Fort Wainwright - On and Off Base Information
Fort Wainwright Housing Information
Fort Wainwright (Ft.) Housing and Information:
Location: Fort Wainwright is located adjacent to Fairbanks in the interior of Alaska. Fairbanks, the second largest city in Alaska, is located 365 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska. Fort Wainwright's mission is to deploy combat ready forces to support joint military operations worldwide and serve as the Joint Force Land Component Command to support Joint Task Force Alaska.
Cost of Living: The cost of housing and other living expenses in the Fairbanks area is higher than the average for all major U.S. cities.
Base Operator: 907-353-1110 or DSN 317-353-1110
Area Population: 34,540
Schools: There are no DoD schools on Fort Wainwright. All public schools that military children attend are in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District.
Housing: Fort Wainwright has more than 1,500 Privatized Housing Units located on post. The majority are within walking distance of elementary schools, the AAFES Shoppette, child care center and chapels. Housing for families with exceptional family members is available. Call 907-353-1190.
Base Location
1060 Gaffney Road
Fort Wainwright, AK 99703